Finck-Tank Friday – Remix to the Vision

The hard thing about working in the medical profession is that we are theoretically bound by our postcode whilst our patients are not. Often you will be travelling around the country on holidays, heading away for a work conference or just seeking a second opinion. This makes our ability to link with other quality health professionals around the world vital as to ensure you get the greatest level of care wherever you may be. The role of the Finck-Tank is to highlight these individuals & their thought’s as to open your health educational lunchbox and fill it with goodness. Today we are travelling to one of the beef capitals of Australia to get the muscle on one companies VISION. (How sweet is that Picture BTW!!)

With Eyes Wide Open

Vision Exercise Physiology is redefining the way health companies present their gym based services to their clients. On the wave of holistic health, a multidisciplinary approach & new age delivery methods Michael and the team have been improving the lifestyle aspirations of people in the Darling Downs region for the past 10 years. Over this time they have incorporated the skill sets of varying professions into the company as to “Enrich the health and lifestyle of their clients, improve well-being, prevent injury and increase physical performance”. This along with the companies ability to diversify its modes of treatment type whilst maintaining its locally owned and operated mantra have lead to many individual success stories.

Forward Focused

Good Hip Rotation

What really sets the team aside though is its future VISION (In comedy we bring things back to the same joke 3 times…Can you find the last Vision Pun!). Their recently launched online program MoveSmarter is “an education and empowerment tool to assist participants to live a life full of abundance.” Honing in on the increasing number of us (1 in 5) that are living with chronic pain on a daily basis, the MoveSmarter program contains simple to follow habitual identification strategies along with daily exercises that can be viewed from the comfort of the home or office. The 5 week series not only emphasises the benefits of living an active and healthy lifestyle but also encompasses the power of modern web app’s that deliver constant motivation to the user. This is an aspect face to face consultation struggles to do due to the inherent costs and travel. I have always said that if you could bottle motivation you would have a worldwide distribution franchise. By opening up their minds to the online world of edutainment Vision has also provided us an easily accessible method of knowledge acquisition.

I Have a Vision

What we can learn from this as users is that there are no excuses when it comes to making meaningful changes in our lifestyles. I don’t want to hear “it’s too expensive, too hard or too complex” anymore as these thoughts will continue to drive the co-morbidity factors that are encompassing our society (like the 2 in 3 of us that are overweight or obese). Remember we are the generation that is projected to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents, something that has never occurred in the history of mankind. Take charge of your health with the tools that companies like Vision are creating with one eye on your & your kins future…it may have you moving smarter than Einstein doing the Dougie.einstein-dancing

Help From The Bench

Vision creates movement programs that are tailored specifically for you based on your physical capabilities, as well as your personal goals and lifestyle aspirations. Check them out on their website, FB, or Instagram @Visionexphys. The link to the YouTube video illustrating the MoveSmarter program can be found here. Good luck team with revolutionising the health care system!

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